Treated myself

I appreciate it doesn't look very exciting, but this little gadget is immensely useful. I've always used radio triggers to fire studio lights and flash because it's far more simple than managing cables. Radio triggers can also communicate with lights around corners too, so there doesn't need to be line of sight between the camera and the lights. I use a mix of manufacturers for my studio lights and strobes and so I need radio triggers that can work across providers and with that in mind I've always used Pocket Wizard triggers. The triggers I've had previously have enabled me to fire the flash and adjust the power by using the controls on the camera. However, I've only been able to adjust all the lights by the same amount which means I've really only been using the triggers to fire the flash and I've been walking between the lights adjusting the power of each manually. These days I shoot with multiple lights on the majority of portrait shoots and so by adding the little gadget above, it's adding the capability to independently adjust the power of multiple lights from the camera. Looking forward to trying it out at the weekend !